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This intensive tracking study takes place 1 day per month over the course of 4 months.  Learn to unlock the stories held in the tracks and trails of animals. Taken to a variety of habitats spread out through Rensselaer, Columbia and Berkshire counties, the participants will have the opportunity to see the tracks and sign of many non-human residents of this area written in the fields, forests and riparian landscapes. 


Participants will come away with a good basic understanding of :

- Foot Morphology

- Body movements and locomotion

- Habitat preferences and uses

- Life cycles

- Animal behavior

- In-depth discussion on animal behavior and natural history and how the animals and their environment shape each other

- How to combine all of these to interpret the sign we find


This course offers something for most skill levels from novice to intermediate and some advanced teachings


Tracking is an excellent way to have fun in winter while getting more connected to the natural world


Cost: 250-375.00 per person       15% discount if you bring a friend

Dates:  1/18, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12

Times: 9:30- 4:00

Locations: Will be announced before each weekend

Ages: 16 and up

12 Person maximun enrollment.  First come, first served

Winter Tracking Intensive 2025

Is it a squirrel? Is it a Porcupine? is it a Fox? Spend some time with Dan Yacobellis examining animal tracks and you will learn many tools and tips to help you identify and decipher the story they tell. Tracking is as old as the hunting. An ancient art/science that helped us modern day humans become who we are.

Come explore the forest and diverse of Mountaintop Arboretum to see the tracks, trails and signs the animal residents leave behind.


Date: Jan. 25, 2025

Time: 10-12:30 and 1-3

Location: Mountian Top Arboretum

                    Tannersville, NY

Ages: 10-up

Registration: Click Here




2024-25 Tracking Programs

Cyber Tracker Track& Sign Certifcation

April 5,6

This world renown standard of excellence in skills assessment and training is a "can't be missed" opportunity for any wildlife tracker who enjoys expanding their skill set. Both days will be full days in the field from 8:30 - 4:00 as participants are asked a total of over 50 questions on a wide range of sign. Each question gets a full breakdown and explanation before moving on to the next, so it's a deep dive tracking workshop too! Evaluator Daniel Hansche will be leading this event.

Learn more about Cyber Tracker here


Tent camping with indoor facilities available. 10-30/night suggested donation scale


Cost- 350 - 450 sliding scale

Location- Border areas of Columbia and Rensselaer Co.'s New York

Ages: 16 and up

11 person limit


Tracking with the

Rensselaer Plateau Alliance

Come explore one of the RPA conservation properties in rensselaer county. These tracts of land are usually ecologically or culturally significant parcels that are now preserved for the ecological integrity of the Rensselaer Plateau and public benefit. 

We'll get a glimpse at the wildlife that lives here and discover who our "wild" neighbors are!


Capital District Wildlife Tracking Club

Held in a variety of locations near the capital district of NY, this is chance to get outside with other nature enthusiasts to learn, explore and connect

When: Monthly, 2nd Sunday 

Time: 8:45- 12:30

Cost: By Donation

10 person maximum. First come/first serve.


Please email to receive specific location information


Date: TBA

Time: TBA

Location: TBA


Tracking with Columbia County Land Conservation

Animal Tracking At

Flying Deer Nature Center

Come meet the wonderful folks at Flying Deer Nature Center. Join us as we explore the grounds where countless children make life connections to nature. Learn the language of animal track & sign to see what animals make room for them as they play and learn!

Date: TBA


Ages: Adult and teen

Location: Flying Deer Nature Center, East Chatham, NY


Mountain Top Arboretum

Date: Feb. 1

Time: 9:00-2:00

Ages: 10 and up

Location: The Bioreserve

Cost: 45 per adult. 25 for seniors(55 and up) and college students. Family rate: 45 for 1 adult + kids(please dont bring children under 10. This class is geared toward adult learning styles)

Animal Tracking with Mohawk-Hudson Land Conservancy

Date: Feb. 15

Time: 10:00-1:00

Ages: 12 and up

Location: The Winn Preserve, Altamont, NY

Registration: Click Here

We will visit one of the many special sites preserved by the Mohawk-Hudson Land Conservancy to learn about the variety of non-human residents that live there

Animal Tracking at The Bioreserve

Come explore this beautiful and unique landscape just ourside of dowtown Albany. Learn how to read the signs that wildlife leave behind and interpret the stories they lie within them. You might be surprised who lives so close to the big city!

Date:  TBA

Location: TBA



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